Investor FAQs

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On what stock exchange are Krystal Biotech shares traded, and what is the ticker symbol?
Where is Krystal Biotech's corporate headquarters?
Krystal Biotech, Inc.
2100 Wharton Street, # 701
Pittsburgh, PA 15203-1973

U.S. Mailing Address
Krystal Biotech, Inc.
2100 Wharton Street, # 701
Pittsburgh, PA 15203-1973
Who are the members of the Krystal Biotech team?
You can view us by visiting the TEAM section of our website.
When does Krystal Biotech's fiscal year end?
31 December
Where can I find all of Krystal Biotech's SEC filings? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other SEC filings, can be accessed on the Financial Information portion of our Investor Relations website or directly from the SEC at
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Krystal Biotech, Inc.
2100 Wharton Street, # 701
Pittsburgh, PA 15203-1973

U.S. Mailing Address
Krystal Biotech, Inc.
2100 Wharton Street, # 701
Pittsburgh, PA 15203-1973
You can view us by visiting the TEAM section of our website.
31 December
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other SEC filings, can be accessed on the Financial Information portion of our Investor Relations website or directly from the SEC at
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